Intro Blog

Welcome back! My name is Natalie Ehney and I am back to start my A level journey. I'm starting my A level journey this year and I am happy to be back. In my upcoming blogs, I'm going to be blogging about my research and process of completing my final task. This way you are able to go through everything with me and experience all my progress. Last year I took AS level media and had a really fun time working on my last projects. My last projects I was able to learn and grow my knowledge on media. Thus, I'm really excited to start working on this year final task using the skills I gained through that experience towards my final task. This will be a lively and enjoyable adventure where you will be able to see my development and dedication for this project. This experience will help me learn new skills. Learning new skills will help me be able to apply these skills in the future and more projects like this. Doing this will definitely be good for me and help me grow on my current skills on media. I would like to get out of this experience with more experience with using camera angles, editing programs, and discovering more aspects about media. I can't wait to start working on this project and bring to life my ideas. I'm going into this with an open mind. I want to be able to make the most out of this experience. Some Fact about myself is that I'm currently a student in high school and I love to hangout with family and my dogs.  My favorite color is purple and my favorite food is pasta. I hope you guys are excited to start this experience with me and I'll see you in my upcoming blogs. Stay tuned.


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