Name of Song Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande and The Weeknd. Cams Scene 1: Establishing shot. Scene 2: Medium shot, medium long shot, tracking shot, close-up. Scene 3: Tracking, long shot, medium close-up, close-up. Editing Scene 1: Fade out. Scene 2: Fade out, shot/reverse shot, jump cut. Scene 3: Fade out, fade in, jump cut, shot/reverse shot. Sound Scene 1: Ambient sound. Scene 2: Diegetic sound. Scene 3: Digetic sound. Mis en scene Scene 1: Dark lighting, setting shows mountains. Scene 2: In a room with a chair, dark/yellow lighting, wearing cat ears and a black outfit, glam makeup, and a chair that she uses to sit on. Scene 3: In dark room has stairs, dark lighting with shadows, and a simple outfit. Name of Song No tears left to cry by Ariana Grande. Cams Scene 1: Establishing shot, tilt, zoom, close-up. Scene 2: Dutch, tilt, medium long-shot, medium close-up, tracking shot. Scene 3: Medium close-up, medium-long shot, long-shot, close-up, zoom. Scene 4: Dut...
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