Comparing Le Jetee, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

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I’ll be comparing Le Jetee and 12 monkey in this blog. Both films are similar to each other even though the full length movie 12 monkey did not intend to make a remake of the short film Le Jetee. The film have similar themes that talk about time.The films explores the theme of time and the struggles of understanding time. Le Jetee tells the story through the use of photographs while in 12 monkey we follow a traditional movie that is based on the themes of the  photographs. Even though Le Jetee telled  only through photo’s it still effectively displayed the story without doing the traditional movie way. This helps me to envision more on what I will do on my short film project because it gives me a different approach on how to display my story then doing it the traditional way of how movies tell the story. I can focus more on the action of the character in my film rather than having a dialogue that explains the situation. This creates a more engaging a experience for the viewer. Both these films tell their message in different ways but overall have the same theme. The way the film delivers the message are both deliver different but have different feel because of how it was delivered. For example, watching La JeTee made me feel emotionally moved and is unforgettable. 12 monkey made me feel intrigued and suspense.

12 monkey really transformed those ideas of Le Jetee into something more and makes it a little different incorporating the technology of the modern day. The short film made me realize that a short film can capture the big theme and idea without it having to be as long as a full version. It can make as a strong story as well as a full version. I honestly preferred the short version because it was extremely unique and gave me a new way to do my short film. I learned that you can still take an idea that have already been used and can make it into a project that is very similar in concept and make it more detailed and more bigger.


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