Feedback & Review For Opening Seqence

 Hi! Welcome Back. If you made it here than you would know by now that we finished our opening sequence. Since it's completed I wanted to get feedback. Feedback isn't just about validation or criticism it's important for growth and improvement. By seeking feedback, we open ourselves up to fresh perspectives and constructive criticism that can help us refine our work and take it to the next level. With this in mind, I wanted to be able to get feedback on our opening sequence. So I reached out to my  mom and my sister to provide feedback.

 First up was my sister, who watched the sequence and shared her thoughts. She enjoyed it and found it entertaining. However, she  pointed the lighting was not that good. Next, I turned to my mom for her feedback. She found the opening sequence to be good and didn't have any specific critiques to offer. While her feedback was positive it showed that different viewers may perceive our work differently. Which is why it was important for me to ask more than one person opinion.

Moving forward, I'll be taking both perspectives into account as I'll be going back to fix the lighting. I want to make sure that our film is perfect. Which is why I want to fix the lighting. I asked her specifically what was wrong about the lighting and she said it didn't give that horror vibe. So stay tuned for the next blog where my group and I'll be fixing the lighting.


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