Filming Scenery

Hello, Blog!
During our time at the park, we filmed. But when we filmed we also aimed to capture the land scape and the scenery. We captured scenery, of water, the sky, trees, and ditch. The ditch is where we filmed a lot of our scenes with the actors. We used the ditch to film the killing scenes. We made sure we filmed the landscape because it helped show the setting of the film. When we filmed the sky scenes it included the river scenes as well. When we filmed it was at night and it really conveyed that the genre was horror due to the dark lighting. We also wanted to film the trees to show that we were in a forest setting. When filming the scenery we had to make sure we were in a good area that didn't distract the viewer away from the setting. So we made sure there was no people because we really wanted the attention to be on the nature. We had to steady camera because we wanted a still shot and we didn't want it to be shaky. We then reviewed what we filmed. We had to refilm one of them because the camera was shaky and there was people in the background. So we then filmed it again and it turned out okay. After that we were all done filming the scenes. We then had to film the other scenes. Thank you for taking your time to read. Hope to see you in the next blog. :)


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