Filming more footage

 Hi Cambridge, welcome back! Today we are filming more footage for our  . Since it didn't reach our 2 minute video goal. My teammate Jaden came up with the idea of filming a scene with a missing poster. He thought it would be a good idea too show someone is missing from the elf killer to build more suspense. This helps adds the storyline more and makes it seem more put together. The poster was made by my teammate Andrea. She used picsart to make the poster. Picsart is a photo editing app that your able to edit your photos and has a bunch of different options that you can do to edit it. Like it has stickers you can add and more. It took her about 30 minutes to make the poster. After the poster was made she sent it to us to review the poster. We all approved the poster, which then Jaden started filming the scene with the poster. Jaden started to edit the video with new footage. But we ran into another problem. There still wasn't footage to meet our 2 minute goal. So now we are currently try to figure out on what we can do. We think were going to start filming another scene. But we don't know what scene were going to film. So see you in the next blog until we can figure out on what were going to do! 


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