Movie Research: Black Phone

 Genre Research: Black Phone

What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?
The element of this movie I choose due to the genre of the film being horror. The element it has are many different camera angles. The movie gives many different inspirations for camera angles. The camera angles includes establishing shots, over the shoulder shots, medium shots, medium long shots, tracking shots, and close up shots. Which are potential angles that we might chose to do on the final task. 

What elements of the genre did this movie have that you like?
Elements of the genre in the movie that I did like are the tracking shots. The tracking shots really gave the film more suspense and contributed to the theme. It contributed to the theme horror by the tracking shots showing fear of the person being chased at that suggests panic. This shows how scared the person is creating a horror them. Also shows the audience the type of movie it is.

What element of the genre did this movie have that did not appeal to you?
Elements of the genre that did not appeal to me is the costume of the main character who is the grabber and the scary abductor. I personally don't think the mask the grabber wore was scarier enough compared to other movies like IT. The mask also looked extremely fake. I feel like if the mask was more scarier it would give the horror film a more scarier effect. This will help develop the really intense genre that horror is.


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