1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?

    How our product uses convention is by the story we showed in our music video. In our music video we show a story of a girl who her and her ex broke up and shows how it affected her. This represents a lot of the social groups problems with teens when they are going through a break up. Every person takes a break up differently and we wanted to display how teens usually take break ups by expressing the emotions of her being sad after she got broken up with. In the music video you can see how she is isolated by herself and is depressed and is always constantly checking her phone to see if her ex texted her and changed his mind. Teens usually feel this way, and want the person to change their mind and keep thinking negative thoughts about themselves. But then throughout the music we also wanted to show how the girl was finally able to accept and move on. We wanted to show this part because we want to show people how even though it seems like you will never be able to move on, you can eventually. It was also important in this scene because she was able to move on her own which we wanted to show to really convey how she really accepted the situation and was able to make herself happy. In the end, we wanted to show how far she overcame herself and her emotions.


  1. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

    How our product engages with audiences is that some people are able to relate to the story and the story people who don’t relate are able to watch the story and learn about the story of how this girl went through a break up that others might have experienced before. So as the audience sees what's happening they are able to experience and see what's happening and see the story. How I would distribute as real media text I would upload this online. I would upload it to platforms like YouTube or Instagram. Many people use Instagram and YouTube today, especially people my age in their teens and almost every age range. This would be a great opportunity to be able to market my music video because of the popularity and amount of users that use those platforms. Also music videos are always uploaded by using YouTube so this would be the best decision to make as mainly others watch music videos through YouTube. In order to be able to upload my music video I would need to make accounts for both platforms. By using both Instagram and YouTube both audiences will be able to interact with the video whether it’s by leaving a comment, a like, dislike, or sharing. When marketing on Instagram I will most likely not be able to upload the whole video but instead I would upload short teasers or snippets with the link of the YouTube video. This will make people intrigued to watch the whole music video since it would only be a teaser of what they're watching which would make people more interested in watching the whole thing since they're only watching a part of it.

  1. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
    My production skill’s didn’t develop as much when it came to filming. However my editing skills I do believe improved. When it came to filming I didn’t have any struggles when filming which came to be a surprise for me because I didn’t expect that. When filming I did almost everything in one take. When editing I felt like I was able to be more creative when it came to editing because there were so many different things I could do. That it was overwhelming because I would have many options on things I could do. But overall I do think my production skills got better because I was able to come up with the story with my group members and be able to put together this project. Which I do think is me improving because I was able to learn from this experience when it came to putting a project together, organizing, and teamwork. I say my teamwork skills improved because usually in groups we don’t do everything together as a group we usually split tasks for everyone to do. So it always felt more like I was doing work on my own than as a team. But for this project I was able to work with my group members and do things together as a team. For example, we both worked  on editing together and filming. We were both working together to get the best outcome. In the future, if I was to do another production project like this I feel like I would be able to be more confident and be able to do better because of the experience I had with this project

  2. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?
    How I integrated technologies in this project is by using my phone to film and using an editing app called capcut. Capcut is an editing app that has many different types of editing tools that you can use. So for my editing process I used only this app to edit. Also in the music video a phone is included a couple times throughout the music video. When she is walking she is on her phone and in the beginning of the music video you can see how she received the message’s and was texting. How I also integrated technologies into this is by researching and conducting the research online. During my research I went on YouTube and studied various music videos. I studied three music videos and examined the camera angles they used  for the different types of music videos, the scenes, the sounds, and the editing. This helped me determine and inspire me to on what I should do for my music video and get a better understanding of what others do for music videos.  I also used various other online websites to study how to do different camera angles when it came to recording so I was able to do the shots correctly.


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