Production Blog: Going to Publix

 On the first day of filming I went to our first location. Our first location is Publix and we both walked there since it was close by my house. After arriving at the location the first thing I did was start recording. The device I used to record was my phone. I carried a paper of a outline of what I had to do and what shots I had to do so I knew what to do.The very first thing I filmed was the store. I wanted to get establishing shots of the location so that's what I did. I then went across the street to get another angle of the location. Next I started filming my group member who was acting in the music video. I told her to go in the store like she was going to buy something. So I filmed her walking into the store. Then I brought a flower that I gave her to use as a prop. So she can hold the prop like she just have bought it from the store. I then film another scene where she is walking out of the store with the flowers in her hand. Filming these scene's were extremely easy to do as I was able to do everything in one take.For the next scene I filmed her walking down the streets in my neighborhood. When I was filming this shot I made sure that they could see her fully. I also did another type of shot in the same location. I did an over the shoulder shot. The over should shot I did, I planned to correlate with the same scene but with a different point of view. So in the scene she is walking texting on her phone. While the other scene shows her on the phone and what she is doing on the phone. Doing the over shot was a struggle because I had to do retakes because it was hard for the camera to focus while she was walking. However other than that I eventually filmed a scene that I liked. After each time I would film, I would make sure to watch what I filmed before filming another scene. I did this to make sure I liked how the scene looked and to check if I needed to redo it or not. Thank you for reading and bye.


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